Caption textTwo Lights, Cape Elizabeth in the mid 1970’s. cDavid Higgins
Somewhere back in the last century (mid 1990's) I began publishing Mrs. Higgins Maine Studies Links for my middle school students. Then Dave and I began ImagineMaine.com which was active between June 2000 and 2012. We intended a collaboration of artwork and Maine stuff including a little writing and some recipes. Pretty quickly we realized that we needed separate websites and so Dave posts most of his painting and photography on D-Higgins.com. Imagine Maine became my site and mirrors my interests and little obsessions.. That said the site required a new name- MaineStory.
Two houskeeping matters need to be addressed:
First, I increasingly find that Maine Stories are being copyed and posted around the internet. Sometimes credit is given to me or to this site. If you use my work as a source or for a simple quote just give a simple citation or link. That would be nice. Sometimes I find that my story is copied in a somewhat changed or abbreviated form (but copied none the less) and other times the whole thing is just posted on another site. This is a violation of COPYRIGHT! Please do not do this. If you have a question about this or want to use my work in some way, get in touch with me, but be aware up front that I never give permission to anyone to reproduce a whole work. Thank you.

Maine Lobsterman, Stonington. cDavid Higgins
On this site I formerly included several pages of research links to info about Maine’s history, people, geography and environment. With this update I have removed those pages.They were intended for educational use, and ten years out, I am no longer working in education and have failed to keep them up. The time is right to downsize. I apologize to anyone who has come here to find those link pages.